Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What's your story, morning glory?

i've become more of a morning person this week. i love mondays, wednesdays and fridays because i don't have class until 11, which used to mean sleeping in. but this week i decided to make use of those early hours. and the artisan from 8:30 am - 10:45 am has become one of my favorite places and times of day. there's just enough people to not feel like it's just you and the barista, but still a quaint quietness in the place. it's me on a couch with some quiet reading time to start the day, and currently finishing off a delicious granola and berry yogurt parfait and an iced tea. cheers.

1 comment:

abby! said...

Sorry that I interrupte you this morning. :/ If only Kaldi's would provide you what the Artisan does. Oh well... :) I'm glad you found a place that makes the morning a good time to be awake.