Monday, March 23, 2009

open or closed?

i got to hang out with leslie and laura tonight. it was so nice.
but not so nice, or rather, more confusing, was our experience with starbucks.
first: leslie and i stopped by the one on line avenue. it was roughly 8:15, and it was closed... one of the workers was locking the door and told us new thing was that this starbucks closed at 8.
second: we went to starbucks on youree drive around 9:15, and as we were walking up to the door, people sitting outside told us it was closed but the drive-thru was open for another hour. a sign on the door said that as of 3/23 the store would close at 9 but the drive-thru would be open 'til 10.

so now i'm confused and wondering starbucks' logic: when we found the first starbucks closed early, naturally we assumed it was 'cause business was slow past 8 for them so logically they should close early. but the second starbucks, with their 'closed' store but open drive-thru baffled me. less workers needed to work the drive-thru only rather than the store as well? but if business is coming for the drive-thru, why not just keep the store open too? lights were still on, it didn't appear that any energy was being saved. if someone is more business savvy and knows the answer to this conundrum, please let me know. because i tried calling the store later (yes, that is just how concerned i was...and i'm not even drinking coffee these days, i was just curious from a curious person standpoint) but since they are 'closed' at 9 (and it was 9:50 at this time) no one answered my curious call.

Friday, March 20, 2009

it looks like i've been on hiatus or something. that something being 'consumed with stuff i put off in classes.'
but alas, it is spring break.
and i am home. in a cozy bed. with no stress to dread for this upcoming week.

happy first day of spring! shreveport welcomed me in wonderfully. the grass seems extra grassy green and there are FLOWERS! i feel like i've been under a rock somewhere that i'm so excited to see green grass and flowers. but really its just winter that overstayed its welcome (for me) in columbia. but its nice that i get spring here AND when i return to school. double dose of seasons. like when i enjoy fall in columbia during, well, fall. and then come home at christmas time to find the leaves still falling off trees here. 

"it's just a season thing. it's just this thing that seasons do" 
[cue my overly quoted beloved john mayer song, Wheel]

Sunday, March 8, 2009

while you were sleeping

-i signed a lease for a 1 br apartment for next year. it was a stressful process of figuring out where i'd be living next year, and now that it's taken care of, i'm relieved. and excited. decorating my own place? yes please.

-i had my first internship interview for a PR position at an art gallery network in NYC. keeping fingers crossed...and hoping to have a few other interview opportunities.

-i soaked in the first few days of warmth by wearing a spring skirt.

-i went on a mini vaca-- camping. it was the perfect friday night get-away followed by a new breakfast experience at cafe berlin.

-i've been overly stressed about midterms, papers and projects creeping up on me. and i probably haven't been the most fun to be around. i've just been in a quieter mood lately, and i can't explain why. i feel like i'm lost in my own thoughts. i apologize. i need to be challenged to step out of the 'me' frame of mind this week.