Wednesday, December 24, 2008

merry southern Christmas.
it's 68 and sunny.
i've been overly compensating for the unwinterlike weather by putting out any random holiday decorations my mom decided to keep in the closet this year.
we need all the help we can get to make 68 degrees feel a little closer to 30 and snowy.
but Jesus knows no climate.
tis the beauty of it.

i heard a sweet song on the radio, corny, but sweet. 
'i need a silent night' by amy grant. 
talks about the craziness of the hustle and bustle of the holidays...
...then sings "i need a silent night, a holy night.
to hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise.
i need a midnight clear, a little peace right here.
to end this crazy day with a silent night."
i love singing silent night at christmas eve mass. it's such a peaceful song to me.

here's the song, in case you're curious.
(and since i'm curious, would someone like to tell me how to embed youtube videos in posts?consider it a christmas present)


abby! said...

You go to the YouTube page and on the right under the description it says embed and you copy the embedding code thing that follows. Then you just paste it right where you want it to be on your blog and there ya go! Merry Christmas!

colleen marie. said...

"Jesus knows no climate." -- I like that.

Love you and hope your break is going well!