Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"I wanna be a part of it..."

"...New york new york."

I am in the KCI airport waiting to board my flight to Dallas where I'm meeting my parents in the airport as we take the same flight to NYC.

Summer in New York: it still hasn't hit me. Saying bye to Jonathan just now I tried to fool myself to think it will only be a month, not three, that we won't see each other. Didn't work.

"Airports see it all the time...Someone's last goodbye blends in with someone's sigh."

I'll be double fisting journals this summer. I wanted to keep a good 'ol fashioned journal on top of this blog, so hopefully I keep up with it.

Well my group's about to board...'Til next time, happy summer :)

1 comment:

abby! said...

It's going to be the best summer ever... well, maybe not EVER (because you won't be around Jon Boy... or ME!) but you are going to have a great time! I can't wait to read all about it!